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Thumbnail for 'Issue #09, Spring 1979 - Three Wire Winter Magazine'
The 9th issue of Three Wire Winter includes Ordway Mellen, the Appel family, Art Adams, Forest Warren, Duane Acord, Russell Crawford, Pat Green Sandefur, Leo Snowden and a featured article on working with handicapped children.
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Art Adams describes his experiences working in agriculture and mining in Routt County.
Thumbnail for 'Issue #19, Spring 1984 - Randy Taylor Interview'
Voice Recording
In this interview with Darren Dodd, Randy Taylor talks about the origins of stock car racing in the Yampa Valley including his part in establishing Hayden Speedway. He adds details about his enjoyment of the sport and his participation in stock car races around Colorado and Utah.
Thumbnail for 'Issue #11, Spring 1980 - Sam McBride Interview'
Voice Recording
Samuel Joseph "Sam" McBride describes his early years and his 38 year mining career in Routt County in this interview with Roger Muhme and Bill McKelvie
Thumbnail for 'Issue #09, Spring 1979 - Art Adams Interview, Part 1'
Voice Recording
Art Adams is interviewed by his grandson, J.D. Adams about working as a coal miner in Routt County.
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Leo Coyner describes his life growing up on a homestead in Clark, playing sports for Steamboat Springs High School, and working as a rancher and a coal miner.
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Samuel Joseph "Sam" McBride describes his early years and his 38 year mining career in Routt County. He provides a comprehensive picture of the changes in coal mining and the need for and formation of mining labor unions.
Thumbnail for 'Issue #08, Fall 1978 - Leo Coyner Interview, Part 1'
Voice Recording
Leo Coyner is interviewed by Dale Coyner, Lance Miles, Bill McKelvie, and Jayne Hill about growing up on a homestead in Clark, working as a rancher and a coal miner, and his memories of Winter Carnival.