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Thumbnail for 'Alliance schedules meeting, picnic on Lizard Head Pass'
This is a newspaper article that is most likely from the Telluride Times - Journal published in June 1988. The article discusses the formation of the Sheep Mountain Alliance to protect Sheep Mountain from logging advances. The newly formed environmental group will meet on Lizard Head Pass on Sunday, June 6 at 11am to discuss strategies to oppose logging advances due to environmental concerns.
Thumbnail for 'Sheep Mountain Alliance Postcard'
A postcard or a flyer that was probably mailed out to the citizens (or at least advertised) to the citizens of San Miguel County to preserve and protect the Alta Lakes and Turkey Creek Mesa areas from development.
Thumbnail for 'Sheep Mountain Won't Be Logged'
An article, that was later released to the press, written by Art Goodtimes. The Sheep Mountain Alliance, lead by Jack Pera, opposes timber harvesting on Sheep Mountain.