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Thumbnail for 'Alda Borah with Billie, the horse'
Alda Borah stands next to Billy/Billie, the family horse in 1916. "Billy and I day of public sale, our last picture. I loved my horse, we wanted to bring him to Phx [Phoenix], Station Agent said nothing could be put in big Rail Road car, we were bringing furniture with us. We sold everything, found out we could have filled the car. Many tears were shed." -- Alda Borah
Thumbnail for 'Alda Borah'
Alda Borah stands for a portrait photograph. Her left hand is resting on a blanket draped over a chair. She is holding a handkerchief in her left hand.
Thumbnail for 'Lookout Station on Castle Peak'
Another group shot from the Castle Peak Lookout Station. Each person is numbered as follows: 1- Mr. Mayer; 2- Earl Carey; 3- Miss Fleming; 4- William Long; 5- Dorothy Shryack; 6- Mrs. Dickinson; 7- Alda Borah; 8- Beulah Buchholz; 9- Leo Carey; 10- Marian Mayer; 11- Mayme Long; 12- Miss Fleming; 13- Marion Dickerson; 14- Herman Stein; 15- Harry Woods; 16- Cecil Carey; 17- Mr. Dickinson.
Thumbnail for 'Mary and Alda Borah'
Mary and Alda Borah sit for a portrait photograph around 1900. Alda was four years old. The photograph was taken at a studio in Glenwood Springs.
Thumbnail for 'Borah and Perkins families'
From left to right: Alda Borah, Carol Jean (Seaman) Perkins, Kathy (Perkins) McDaniel, and Marvin Borah stand for a picture near some old farm equipment at L. J. Borah's ranch on Gypsum Creek. Taken in 1979.
Thumbnail for 'Borah and Perkins families'
From left to right: Alda Borah, Marvin Borah, Carol Jean (Seaman) Perkins, and Kathy (Perkins) McDaniel stand on a small footbridge over Gypsum Creek at L. J. Borah's ranch. Taken in 1979.
Thumbnail for 'Jake and Alda Borah'
Jake Borah with his niece Alda hike near Jake's ranch near Gypsum.
Thumbnail for 'Mary Carolan with Alda Borah'
Mary Carolan sits with an infant Alda Borah in 1898. Alda is reaching for an egg basket. Mary Carolan was a neighbor of the Borahs on Brush Creek.
Thumbnail for 'Alda Borah with Rufflers'
Alda Borah holds a small puppy, Rufflers, somewhere in Colorado around 1918.
Thumbnail for 'Leroy and Lola (Tracy) Borah's wedding day, 1919'
Members of the Tracy and Borah families gather for LeRoy and Lola (Tracy) Borah's wedding. The wedding was held on June 1, 1919, in Gypsum, at the house of Frank and Blanche Tracy, Lola's parents. Alda Borah served as the bridesmaid, and Willis Staup served as the groomsman. Back row (l-r): Blanche (Downing) Tracy, Frank Tracy, L. J. Borah, Jake Borah Front row (l-r): Blanche Tracy, Frances Tracy, Hazel Tracy, Alda Borah, Lola (Tracy) Borah, LeRoy...
Thumbnail for 'Borah wedding party'
From left to right: Alda Borah, LeRoy Borah, Lola (Tracy) Borah, and Willis Staup stand for a photograph on LeRoy and Lola's wedding day, June 1, 1919. Alda served as the bridesmaid, and Willis served as the groomsman. Frances Tracy is visible to the right of the group. "Two of the Gypsum valley's most popular young people were married last Sunday, when Miss Lola Tracy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tracy, and Mr. LeRoy Borah, were united in the...

12. Sawing

Thumbnail for 'Sawing'
Nannie King (left) and Alda Borah saw a cedar log at the Borah ranch in 1915. "1915. Working very hard. Nannie King and Alda Borah at old home. That was a cedar log." -- Alda Borah
Thumbnail for 'Alda Borah with Billie, the horse'
Alda Borah stands next to Billy/Billie, the family horse in 1916. "Billy and I day of public sale, our last picture. I loved my horse, we wanted to bring him to Phx [Phoenix], Station Agent said nothing could be put in big Rail Road car, we were bringing furniture with us. We sold everything, found out we could have filled the car. Many tears were shed." -- Alda Borah
Thumbnail for 'Brush Creek Schoolchildren'
Students of Brush Creek schoolhouse line up for a photo outside the building. Edna Pearch is their teacher, at left. From left to right: William Long, Alda Borah, Mayme Long, Dorothy Shryack, Alan Metheny, Roy "Dutch" long, Byron Zartman, and Eddie Long.
Thumbnail for 'Borah house in the summer'
The Borah house on Brush Creek. Taken in the summertime. From left to right: George Lovinggood, Alfred Borah, Mr. Swarthout (seated), Mary Borah, George Ziegler, Alda Borah. "Old home on Brush Creek, Colo when Hop Vines covered porch in summer." -- Alda Borah
Thumbnail for 'Borah family with friends'
Members of the Borah family father with friends around 1918. L. J. Borah (mislabeled as LeRoy Borah) is holding a dog. Back row (l-r): Jack Layton, L. J. Borah, Alfred Borah, Jake Borah, Willis Staup Front row (l-r): Alda Borah, Myrtle Borah, Marvin Borah
Thumbnail for 'Off to Castle Peak Lookout'
"Ready to leave the Cow Camp for Castle Rock Look Out Station. The extra horse was mine as I took all the pictures" - from Alda Borah, 1918. Faces are numbered as follows: 1) Leo Carey; 2) William Long; 3) Harry Woods; 4) Marion Mayer; 5) Marion Dickerson; 6) Mrs. Dickinson; 7) Earl Carey; 8) Mayme Long; 9) Miss Fleming; 10) Beulah Buchholz; 11) Mr. Dickinson; 12) Dorothy Shyrack; 13) Herman Stein; 14) Miss Fleming; 15) --- Mayer; 16) Carl Mayer;...
Thumbnail for 'Myrtie Hockett and Alda Borah'
Myrtie Hockett (left) stands with Alda Borah near some trees. Myrtie was the niece of Minnie (Hockett) Borah, Jake Borah's wife. Minnie was also Alda's aunt.
Thumbnail for 'Vivian & Alda'
Vivian Hodges and Alda Borah in Eagle, Colorado.Stairs to a porch are visible in the left background.
Thumbnail for 'Alda Borah'
Alda Borah sits in a wild geranium flower bed somewhere in Colorado in the summer of 1919.