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Thumbnail for 'Dock Homan'
Dock [Fletcher Bliss] Homan at Wolcott. Two children are unidentified in the photo.
Thumbnail for 'Red Cliff High School Reunion'
A display of graduating classes from Red Cliff High School on display at the 1992 reunion.
Thumbnail for 'Glenda Walker and Dianne Buffehr'
Glenda Walker (left) and Dianne Buffehr shake hands during the Minturn High School 1957 graduation. Both were members of the class of 1957. The inscription on the podium reads "Donated by Class of 1954." This image was included in the 1957 edition of the Minturn Panther yearbook.
Thumbnail for 'Eagle High School operetta, 1938'
Taken from the 1938 "Lux Aquilae" yearbook: "Love Pirates of Hawaii," an operetta in two acts, was presented by the high school glee club on Friday evening, March 11, 1938. A ladies seminary was the scene for both acts. The stage was arranged so as to represent an Hawaiian Island. Tropical scenery decorated the stage. From left to right: Pauline Clark, Marian Ross, Jean Allen, ? (behind Jean), Dolly Webb, Bennie Meehan, Betty Howland, Marguerite...
Thumbnail for 'Young women'
Six young women, grouped next to a fence. All are wearing coats and all but one are wearing hats. From left to right: Roberta Hunter, Doris [Dora?] McMillen, Alice Hunter, Blanche Dump, Elsie Elliott, Benarda Meehan.
Thumbnail for 'Marybelle Kimball'
Marybelle Kimball, a relative of Mary C. (Grant) Borah, sits for a portrait photograph in the 1870s.
Thumbnail for 'Nogal-Ping Hotel, wallpaper and curtain'
Taken August 2, 2011, wall paper and curtain in the hotel. Deconstruction of the Nogal-Ping hotel and cabins in Eagle by Claude DeGraw began in 2010. Nogal's Hotel, built in 1892, was later purchased by the O. A. Ping family in 1923. It was occupied by siblings Leonard and Garnet Ping most recently. Leonard died in 1988 and Garnet moved to Gypsum in the late 1990s, passing away in 2003. It stands at the corner of Hwy 24 and Capitol Streets and...
Thumbnail for 'Tailings pond'
The tailings pond below Gilman (south east of Maloit Park). Mine wastes were piped approximately four miles down into the settlement area. The tailings pond kept mine wastes from flowing into the Eagle River.
Thumbnail for '1st Coyote-hole blast'
"Homestake Dam first coyote-hole blast to open the quarry for the dam's rock fill material; consumed 13 ton of explosives."
Thumbnail for 'Ed and Ollie Bailey'
Ollie and Ed Bailey are seated at a table in the Bailey Ranch house at Burns, Colorado. There is a meal on the table. Ollie Lucy Baker is Ed's first wife. (Ed was the son of John Walker Bailey.) Ed and Ollie had a son, Harold, and a daughter, Lois. Ed divorced Ollie and remarried.
Thumbnail for '1967, J. Ambos enroute Taipei'
[Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Burns stockyard parking'
Horses tethered at the stockyard pens. Heicher, Kathy. The Cattle Drive: Burns Hole cowboys mix tradition and technology. Photographer Mike Rawlings. Vail Trail, November 24, 1989, p.16-19.
Thumbnail for 'View towards Castle Peak'
Standing on Hilltop Street [Sunset View Cemetery] looking west toward Gypsum in Eagle, Colorado. The road at the very bottom is Hilltop Street; the road just beyond that and lower is Capitol St./Brush Creek. Photo was developed April 1963.
Thumbnail for 'Micheline, Patricia and Don Knight'
Micheline and Don Knight with baby Patricia, taken during the trip to Holy Cross City. The Hound is in the foreground.
Thumbnail for 'Alice Gertrude Hunter'
Marker for: " Baby, Alice Gertrude [Hunter], May16,1920--June 24,1920," Greenwood Cemetery.
Thumbnail for '1986, Eagle Post Office Site'
Eagle Post Office site in June, 1986.
Thumbnail for 'Conger Mesa'
The upper end of Conger Mesa showing the crater as viewed from Tunnel 49. [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'County Assessor's Office, Red Cliff'
Interior of the County Assessor's Office in Red Cliff. Calendar date in upper left corner is 1903. Nick Buchholz was the Assessor during the 1920's. The picture shows three men behind a counter in the office. [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Hans Olesen/Schmidt ranch'
"Map showing subject property. I = Land in the taking; II, III and IV are residual parcels." -- Appendix, Appraisal of the value of the Schmidt Properrty required by the Eagle County Airport Authority, by John Peeples, I.C.A., April 24, 1984 Photograph was taken in September 1983. Roman numerals are read from the right hand side of the map (rotate). "From the looks of the abstracts, we held the complete ranch for the longest continuing time--25...
Thumbnail for 'Mary C. Grant'
Mary C. Grant sits for a portrait photograph. This tintype was taken in the 1860s. She is leaning against a stool. The daughter of Thomas and Mary Grant, Mary was born on October 8, 1958. She married Alfred Borah on April 16, 1889. Together, they had one daughter, Mittie Alda Borah. Marry passed away on April 22, 1936, at the age of 77.