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Thumbnail for 'Joe and Marg Morris'
Joe and Margaret Mary Macdonell Morris in Eagle on their wedding day, June 3, 1951. Joe Graduated from Eagle High School in 1944. After graduation, he enlisted in the Navy and served for two years. After they were married, Joe and Margaret moved to Glenwood where he was an auto mechanic for more than 45 years, working for Ford Motor Co. and Mid Continent Coal and Coke.
Thumbnail for 'Mary and Fred Rule'
Studio wedding portrait of Fred and Mary Elizabeth Quinlan Rule, married on March 12, 1924. Fred A. Rule, was born June 22, 1902, to Frank and Rena Randall Rule of Gypsum. He was a rancher in Eagle County for 50 years. Mary E. Rule was born February 27, 1907, in McCoy to Emmett Quinlan.
Thumbnail for 'Trezise-Gerard Reception'
Guests, bride, and groom at the wedding reception. Claude Gerard and Mary Jo Trezise are on the left, shaking another man's hand. Melissa Larsen-Trezise is on the far right of the photograph looking right; Bob Trezise is in the middle in a dark suit. Bob & Melissa are Mary Jo's parents. There is a small girl in the right foreground.