Archive Search Results

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Thumbnail for 'Grandpa George & Evelyn'
George Messermith holds Evelyn in front of her great-grandmother Johanna Lea's cabin in Gypsum, Colorado.
Thumbnail for 'Henry family'
The Warren Henry family standing in front of their cabin on Henry Creek. From left: Mary, Florence, Warren and Ruth Henry. There are antlers piled between Florence and Warren. The cabin has a sod roof. "Warren Henry and his brother, Bill, were familiar figures around McCoy during the early days of the 1900's. They were both Daddy McCoy's ranchhands and also did freighting between Wolcott and Yampa. Both brothers homesteaded on Blacktail Creek."...
Thumbnail for 'The Fenno children'
Studio portrait of the Fenno children taken on Sept. 15, 1929, Mary and Clifford's wedding day. From left in back, Louis Charles Fenno and Clifford Thomas (Mary's husband) are standing; in front, Ida Fenno [Bearden] and Mary Fenno Thomas are seated. Mary and Clifford operated the Edwards Store and Post Office, which they sold in 1946. Then they operated their ranch in Edwards until Clifford died in 1956. After that, Mary moved to Eagle and lived...
Thumbnail for 'Marvin and Willie Laman'
Marvin standing with his brother Willie outside the place at lower McCoy. Parents Emil (Dutch) and Pearl Laman had 10 children: Beula, Annie, Alice, Bill, Robert, Red, Hlda, Louis, Louise, and Marvin. Bill "Willie" was born in 1909. "He was a well-known all around ranch hand, he lived in Routt County all of his life. ... He and Lorraine Rose were married in 1938. They had three children." "Marvin, the youngest of the Laman family was born in...
Thumbnail for 'Offerson Family'
Formal portrait of Gulling Offerson (second from left in back), and wife, Olive, taken with Olive's family. Isaac and Sarah Porter are the older couple; Isaac is holding baby Austin Offerson. George Porter is at the far right; the woman standing next to him may be Lauretta Porter.* The picture was taken in Seattle, Washington. *Information supplied by Bill Christensen, great-nephew of Gulling Offerson, June 2009 [Title supplied from catalog prepared...
Thumbnail for 'Robert Redwood and Maybelle (Robertson) with Billy Jo'
Robert Redwood and Maybelle (Mabelle) Robertson Redwood with Billy Jo. [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Doan Ranch'
James P. and Katie Gates in their new home on the Doan Place in about 1920. There is a grindstone to the right.
Thumbnail for 'Girls in Glenwood'
Girls trip to Glenwood Springs. Left to right: Paul Jean Douthit, Evelyn Marguerite Lea, Urdine Bell Messersmith Lea, Evelyn Urdine Douthit, Mary Ellen Douthit (in the back).
Thumbnail for 'Spencer Family'
Elizabeth Spencer and her husband, with Buddy Spencer at leaft and Martha Fox Spencer at right. Mrs. Spencer taught the upper grades at Burns School District #9 in 1954-55. Her husband drove the school bus. They adopted the Fox girls.
Thumbnail for 'Four Generations'
Four generations photograph, from left: MacDonald Knight holding baby Patricia Knight, Sophie Hamrick Knight (Don's mother), Portie Hamrick (Sophie's mother)
Thumbnail for 'Skiff Family'
Francis M. and Mary Elizabeth Edson Skiff and their children. [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Panting family'
"The Panting family in 1923. In back: Florence, Emma, Myrtle. Center: Arthur and Nettie and in front are: Ruth, Harry, Jim and Mabel." -- McCoy Memoirs p.170 [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Bill and Maybelle Robertson'
W. R. (Bill) Robertson and sister, Maybelle, at the Avon Depot (circa 1930s). [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Albert E. Gates and Anna Gates'
Albert Ewing Gates [son of "Bert" Gates] with his second cousin, Anna Gates [daughter of Albert Gates].
Thumbnail for 'Babcocks'
Bill Babcock, Jr. and Bill Babcock, seated with the younger boys, Charles and Dwight Babcock. The Babcocks moved to McCoy from Cripple Creek in 1912; they moved to California in 1926. [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Mac and Margaret Macdonell with baby Dan'
Mac (Alexander Jr.) and Margaret Macdonell with baby Dan in Eagle. Dan was the first grandchild of Alec and Sadie Macdonell. Margaret worked for Holy Cross Electric Association for 18 years at their Eagle office. She also collected bills for Rocky Mountain Natural Gas from 1971 to 1981. She collected payments, posted deposits and meter readings, filled out work orders, took calls and cleaned the office.
Thumbnail for 'Gates family reunion'
A family photograph with the Gates brothers, Albert Gates and James P. Gates, at the Burns ranch. Back row: Bert (George Albert) Gates, Albert, Martha, Mary, Berta, Lemley, Clark and James. Front row: Uncle Albert, Nona holding baby Edith, Grace Gates holding Eva, Grandma "Kate," and Grandpa James P. holding Marie.
Thumbnail for 'Panting Family 1930'
"The Panting family in 1930; Florence is not included." -- verso of photo [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Muriel Colburn'
Muriel Colburn and her mother, Alice George Colburn. "Muriel worked in Washington, D.C., and was employed for many years by the Arapahoe County Clerk and Recorder's Office and the Social Security Office in Denver. She retired in 1971." [obituary] SHe passed away at 95, on Dec. 14, 1997.
Thumbnail for 'Josiah Herwick and sons'
Josiah Herwick and his sons, following the funeral of Ida Herwick at Grand Valley, Colorado (now Battlement Mesa). Ida was buried on March 10, 1919. Back row L to R: Fred; Josiah L.; Albert Front L to R: Oren; William; Josiah Herwick, Jr.; Guy [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]