Archive Search Results

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Thumbnail for 'Mrs. Harris and Family'
Mrs. Harris, at left, standing in the yard in Eagle. Daughter Jennie Horner is next to her. The the end is daughter Mrs. Ginther with the Ginther children in front of her.
Thumbnail for '
Jim Flynn, Owen McCarthy and Kate Flynn hoeing the garden at Kent. Inscription reads: "Hard days work." The three pine trees are at right background.
Thumbnail for 'Neff and Rogers families'
Neff and Rogers families, standing in the front yard. From left to right: Mr. Marcus Neff, Mrs. Neff (Annabelle Crawford), Lizzy (Elizabeth) Neff Rogers, Lizzy's sister, Pauline Rogers Roberts; Bob Rogers (married to Lizzy) is kneeling in front (Inscribed May 1954 on back but Mr. Neff died in 1944; most likely an error.) "Mr. and Mrs. Bob (Lizzy) Rogers and daughter, Pauline, lived in town. Bob Rogers built the log cabin they lived in (Sandra Rose...
Thumbnail for 'Howard McCain and Pam McCain (Schultz)'
Howard McCain and baby Pam (McCain Schultz) in their backyard in Eagle.
Thumbnail for 'Bill Kavanaugh and Bob Crane'
Bill Kavanaugh and Bob Crane, his nephew, in front of the Kavanaugh home in Minturn, Colorado.
Thumbnail for 'Mae Smith'
Mae Smith (daughter of Albert Smith?) standing behind the Offerson House. [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Ralph and Mary Belding'
Ralph and Mary Belding standing in a yard in Eagle, Colorado. A house is visible in the right background. [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Frank and Lucy Doll'
Franklin and Lucy Ellen Slusser Doll, standing in a yard. Frank is 87 (Aug. 10, 1851--June7, 1940) and Lucy is 79 (Oct. 22, 1859--June 22, 1939). Obituary, Eagle Valley Enterprise, June 7, 1940.
Thumbnail for 'Gulling Offerson and grandson'
Gulling Offerson and grandson, Robert. Mr. Offerson is wearing overalls and standing in a yard in front of a hedge. [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Kavanaugh Family'
From left to right: family dog, Bill Kavanaugh, John Kavanaugh, Hilma Kavanaugh holding baby Mary. The family is standing in the yard next to the Kavanaugh home in Minturn, Colorado, August 1936.
Thumbnail for 'Robert and Frank Maloit with fish'
Robert Maloit with his father, Frank, and their catch taken from the Upper Homestake in 1932. There are 34 Native trout in the string, from 10 to 17.5 inches long and weighing 1/3 to 2 lbs. each. They were caught in a little more than 2 and a half hours. They dressed out the fish, packing them in fresh grass in two creels. It was an 8 mile hike to and from Gold Park, so the hike out carrying 15 lbs. of fish each, poles, and hip boots was demanding....
Thumbnail for 'Robert Maloit and trout 1935'
Robert Maloit, kneeling in the yard with a string of trout taken on East Homestake Creek.
Thumbnail for 'Arnold Nottingham and visitor'
Arnold Nottingham and visitor from New Mexico, seated on rock garden wall in front of the Anthony Smith house. Both are wearing boots and appear to be engrossed in conversation. [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Beecher Gulch Place'
Snowy day at the Beecher Gulch Place. Dixie the horse in front of barn; dogs, Boots and Rex in front of a 1937 Hudson Terraplane automobile. House in right midground.
Thumbnail for 'Floyd Beck'
Floyd Beck in hat and bow-tie standing in a yard in Monarch, Colorado.
Thumbnail for 'Floyd Beck'
Floyd Beck standing in a backyard garden, Lakewood Colorado. He wears a hat. Bird bath and flowers visible in the background.
Thumbnail for 'Leonard Ping and camera'
"Photographer Leonard Ping (middle) prepares to snap photographs of deer browing in town. Leonard, who took many of the photographs that appear in this book, is standing on the porch of the Ping Hotel on Capitol Street." -- Kathy Heicher, Early Eagle p.124
Thumbnail for 'T. J. Fox'
T. J. Fox, standing in a yard. The photo was printed September 15, 1940, at Ping's Station. Mr. Fox was the son of Rosa and George Fox of Brush Creek; his sister was Maude Fox Figgins.
Thumbnail for 'Marilyn Schrer'
Marilyn Schrer, niece of Margie and Frank Haas, standing in the yard at the Sandstone Creek ranch [Vail]. [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'John Kavanaugh'
John Kavanaugh dressed in suit and knickers for his 8th grade graduation. He is standing in front of a pine tree in his backyard in Minturn with the First Presbyterian Church in the background. "When John graduated from the eighth grade in 1924; he is a nice looking boy, just like his Dad don't you think?" pencil, on back